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Writer's picturehopemaxwell5

How to Meditate

Meditation seems pretty easy until you actually sit down to start it , then you feel like you have all these thoughts in your head that won’t stop.

I’ve heard this over and over again.

Here is the truth. We as humans will always have thoughts, they don’t go away . In meditation your temporarily moving or pausing the thoughts long enough to give your brain some down time.

Our society wants instant gratification. With meditation you can slowly give you brain a break but it takes some practice.

Set yourself up for success

  • Find a quiet undisturbed place

  • Tell humans to leave you alone

  • Do some time of movement like 20mins to calm your nervous system

  • Make sure your body is comfortable like your not hungry or have to go to the bathroom

  • Turn notifications off of your phone/watch or better yet just put it in airplane mode

  • Earphones help to drown out noise at first

  • Sit or lie down , if you get cold grab a blanket

  • Focus on the breath for a few moments

  • There are lots of different ways to meditate

  • Don’t give up, just keep at it until you feel the shift.

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