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Writer's picturehopemaxwell5

Honor the your inner light and the return of the sun

This is a time of year when we need to take a look at the past year. Gaze inward and find the wisdom we gained from our accomplishments and our failures. Take what we have learned from our experiences and turn that into a way to transform this information to make positive changes in our lives.

Winter Solstice is a great time to spend this time reflecting.

We will be gathering and celebrating around a fire with sound healing, a Yule meditation and connecting through drumming (drum circle) .

If your local to Houston and would like to join

Here are some questions you may ask yourself and journal on :

What does my energy look like at the end of the year?

Which area of my life do I need to be more fully present in ?

What old beliefs, patterns, traditions, thinking or habits do I need to let go of ?

What’s working on your life and where are you wasting energy?

Wether you join a group or do some solitary work . The most important aspect of this inner work is truth. Open your mind and heart to your authentic self and the goals and desires.

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