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Writer's picturehopemaxwell5

Fuck Resolutions Make Real Change

I'm at the age were empathy starts to feel like apathy, maybe it's because I'm recovering from a serious bout of flu and countless hours of YouTube, but the influence of media has created many issues.

Not only in the way we see ourselves but to the way we look at the world. No wonder there is a uprise in depression and mental health issues.

It's very easy to fall in between the cracks.

Here is the message:

If your feeling resistance in some part of your life, something needs to change.

If your not listening or paying attention the resistance will only get stronger, so I suggest you pay attention this is the way our human form speaks to us. It's beginning to feel like each one of us is pawn in a huge game of Earth chess. Its true that naturally during seasonal times of the year we feel a pull perform and involve ourselves in ritualistic ceremonies and behaviors. In all cultures and lifestyle they exist. The collective consciousness and commercialism contribute to this, but we also feel this in our primal connection to Earth's seasonal cycles.

Let me be more specific to New Years.

As we review the past year of our lives its important to make adjustments to help us grow, create movement, and find clarity or health. Just like a farmer may replenish used soil or rotate crops. We also need to replenish ourselves.

So then why do we wait until the New Year to make adjustments?

We are constantly fed what to think, what we need and how to live our lives. Major corporations have figured out a way to track and use what we look at though our devices to make these things appear in our feed. This creates a vicious cycle of consumerism, negative self worth and metal health issues.

Now is the time to wake up and see where you maybe if you continue on the same path. Take a few minutes to visualize that.

How does the outcome look for you? Are you living fulfilled? Stress free? Pain free?

How do we make REAL lasting changes? I'll give you the answer right now.

Spend time with getting to know yourself.

I know, It's easier said than done, and sounds to simple.

Most people want change but are afraid of the unknown, steer away from dealing with traumatic events, or have no idea where to even start.

Many have created a comfort level that they don't want to give up or not willing to do what it takes to follow though.

Do any of those statements resonate with you?

You are still reading so maybe I hit a trigger point.

I have a free 3 day Self Realization Course that helps to organize and give you a starting point.

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