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Writer's picturehopemaxwell5

Energy Works

Hello beautiful people !

I'm back from my sorta vacation lol and I just wanted to share a little bit about the collective energy that has been happening.

There is some pause in your lives from transitions to being with becoming more intuitive with how your body feels. Along with this there is the Fall seasonal shift that we are collectively feeling ,empathetic to the commercial holidays that are quickly approaching!

Fluctuating mood shifts as well as physical energy as we begin to prepare for a more reflective and physical introspective time of the year.

We are moving into the darker and colder months with all the big holiday events with family and friends.

You may be feeling joyful or stressed about this. I want to remind you, that your learning self care though out this program. Don't get swept up in saying yes to everyone and putting yourself out financially,physically or mentally because there is so much going on.

Be selective with where you want to spend your energy and with whom. Showing out your vision of your highest self to those in your bubble can be upsetting to people who are used to the "old" version of you. Remind yourself they don't know your thoughts and clearly communicate.

Continue to do the work in the program,movement and mindfulness will help with stress and anxiety especially during these times.

Also make sure to communicate with me how the program is effecting your life . This is,after all for the betterment of your life.

Namaste! 🙏😁🫶🏻

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